Thursday, September 11, 2014

The view from up here

This is what things look like from my point of view:

Yikes! It looks like I'm going to blow!

For my birthday yesterday, James arranged for me to have a pedicure - my first ever - and a massage. We were going to spend the day together, visiting the photography museum and getting lunch, but Augie developed diarrhea the night before and we couldn't take him to dagis. So James took care of Augie while I was pampered.

That morning the three of us enjoyed a latte (well, 2.5 of us did) and chocolate croissants (well, 2 of us) from the chocolate shop across the street. Then James took Augie to the park while I went home.

We took Augie to school again today, as his diarrhea cleared up, and he had another horrible day of it. He started crying before they reached the school, and he spent the entire day in his stroller. When I arrived to get him in the afternoon, he has sitting in the stroller, looking shell-shocked. He cheered up on the way home, but it was terrible to see him looking so...numb and abandoned. We've spoken to some friends who say it's taken their kids anywhere from three weeks to three months to get adjusted; let's hope to be on the shorter end of that range.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is truly worth more than a thousand words! LOVE it. Should be on your facebook page
