Monday, September 29, 2014

Trial runs

(I had scheduled this post to publish on Monday morning, but it never did. It's old news now!)

Sunday morning I woke up thinking that maybe my water had broken and that labor would be starting soon. We spent the morning waiting for something (namely, contractions) to happen. By noontime, nothing seemed to be going on, so we went to the hospital/birthing center to make sure everything was okay. They monitored the baby (heartbeat fine) and did a brief exam on me (nothing doing), and sent us home. The midwife thinks that it's likely things will get going in the next few days, that my body's just starting to get warmed up. So still we wait.

It was good to have a trial run for all of us though, as we've chosen to give birth somewhere we'd never been prior to this afternoon. It's a swanky place, as far as hospitals/birthing centers are concerned, and the staff was great. And Augie woke up from his nap to find Mama and Baba gone, and Ah Mah here to take care of him. The two of them did well together, and they'll be fine when the real thing happens.

I made James take a few pictures of me (it's always so hard to get him to take pictures of me!), in what we hope are the last days/hours of my pregnancy. I really think I'm getting bigger by the day.

I think this is my widest view:

This is kinda how I'm feeling these days:

Responding to some "direction" from James:

And here's Augie's trial run on the potty:

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