Monday, October 12, 2015

Leif's singing birthday card

Before I get to the video, it's time to admit that I'm just not going to be posting every day anymore. Between the general exhaustion of running after these two, taking Swedish class two nights a week, dinners with friends and neighbors, and parent meetings at school (not to mention a job I hope to start next month!), I'm just out of energy for updating so often. I'll do what I can, though, to keep great pictures and videos coming to you.

Grandma sent Leif a very fun singing birthday card, and both boys have been over the moon about playing with it. Look how excited Leif is! (Email subscribers, click here to view the video.)


  1. I've always been amazed with your posts--and know that they have taken alot of your time. As the boys grow there are more important demands on your time and energy! Want you to know how much we have loved (and appreciated!) the pictures, and your loving words. [BTW--I'll send more of those cards, if videos are a possibility!--Love 'em]

  2. I'm glad you enjoy, Mom. I'd really like to keep up with the blog so I'm not abandoning it - just slowing down.
