Saturday, October 17, 2015

Searching for trolls at Sigesta Gård

Today we went to a beautiful farm a couple short (car) ferry rides away, Siggesta Gård. We go less for the animals and more for the food and attractions. August (and Leif) played mini-golf for the first time today! And we walked a short forest trail searching for trolls.

The troll hunt:

This guy would have much preferred to start the afternoon at the cafe. The trolls terrified him!:

But this guy had a great time, leading the way on the trail and finding all the trolls (sorry, didn't get any good pictures of them!):

James got him to kiss the little animals and high-five the trolls:

Mini golf was a success if you measure by fun, but not if you measure by actual amount of mini-golf played:

This was after lunch, so Leif was totally happy to join in:

We didn't let them get this close to each other with putters again (no one was hurt):

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