Thursday, September 18, 2014

Circuit training

As of yesterday, I've completed 38 weeks of pregnancy and am working my way through the 39th. We're at that "any day now" stage; in fact, last weekend I felt so sure that baby's arrival was imminent that we asked Ah Mah to come stay with us considerably earlier than she'd planned. Now that she's here, I'm feeling like it's going to be another few weeks! Though every time I call for James, he comes running and asks, "Did your water break??!?"

Ah Mah arrived yesterday, and we've been putting together IKEA furniture (well, that's what I've been doing for nearly two days straight), cleaning, eating, and just sort of waiting for the baby to come. Now that we have the new furniture (a couple dressers and side tables, include the same blue dresser we had back in Princeton) and most of our things are put away, I'm feeling much more settled and ready. Ready to bring a new baby into the world, ready to cocoon at home, ready to be tended to by James and Ah Mah and ready to focus on loving and nurturing my babies.

I'm also feeling a bit sad that this time with Augie - just us and Augie - is drawing to a close. Though it certainly hasn't been easy (he doesn't make anything easy!), I've loved beginning our little family with this wondrous, funny, resilient little boy, and loved that I can devote so much love and energy to him (well, less energy in recent months). It's going to be wonderful in entirely new ways to have the four of us, but I'll miss him being my first baby. My only baby.

Actually, I probably won't even notice. I'll probably be too tired, fatigued, and whacked out on roller-coaster hormones to even remember when it was just the three of us.

Dagis seems to be getting a bit better for Augie every day - James said he didn't even cry this morning when he and Ah Mah dropped him off. He spent most of the day in his stroller again, but the nannies said that he was engaged and watching the other kids and was otherwise happy. She also said this is totally normally - the hanging out in the stroller all day thing - and that they see it a lot.

I picked him up this afternoon and we stopped to play at the circuit-training area of a little sliver of park on the walk home. He had so much fun.

I'll try to get some shots of Augie with Ah Mah up soon! He loves having her here, and she seems to be really enjoying him, too. It's so great to see.

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