Monday, September 1, 2014

Getting settled at school

Today was Augie's second full day at school. James accompanied him again, and I stole these photos from James's phone. I'll go with him tomorrow, and then on Wednesday he will have his first day alone. I don't doubt that the first few days will be tough for him, and I'm anxious about how napping will go (James has been putting him in the stroller at naptime and going for a walk these first two days). I know that within days (or weeks) he'll be fine and will get into the rhythm of it, but I do worry about this transitional time. And as soon as he gets used to it, kaboom! - the biggest life-changer ever for him. I'm trying to remember to savor the one-on-one time that we have together now, before I'm consumed with the needs of a new baby.

That said, even though it's only been two days, it's been fantastic to have some alone time! I didn't do anything exciting today - lots of housework (our shipment from the US arrives in two days and we still don't have enough space!), phone calls, etc., and another IKEA run to check out wardrobes. I also did a Swedish lesson with the Rosetta Stone online subscription that we bought and practiced yoga for about twenty minutes - two things I've vowed to do every day that Augie is in school before the baby arrives. It was so nice to have the physical and mental space to think about the things I wanted to think about and do the things I wanted to do (Augie is particularly proprietary about how I spend my attention). And of course it was fantastic to see him when he came home, his beautiful bouncing face running to me (and away, and back, and away, and back). A little separation makes the togetherness so much sweeter.

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