Sunday, September 28, 2014

Augie and Anna

Augie has a doll named Anna. We got her for him before we left the US, as a way to help him begin to understand that he's about to have a little baby sibling. He was mildly interested in her until recently, and now he's really taken to her. He feeds her (tries to put raisins and forks into her mouth), changes her diaper (I've been wrapping little newborn-sized diapers around her), has her suck her thumb (which is weird because he doesn't do that) and puts her to sleep (usually with a blanket over her, sometimes by jamming his fingers into her eyes so she'll close them). Every now and then we'll be in the middle of something and he'll realize she isn't there; he'll shout "Anna!" and go get her. Yesterday we went walking and he took her with us.

He carried her from bench to bench:

Then, when we got to the workout area, he had her do some exercises:


  1. Ack! This is the cutest. Did he name her? Sending you lots of good energy and hoping that baby arrives soon!

    1. Yes, Augie named her. I think James asked what we should call her and he made a word that we interpreted as Anna, whether that's what he intended or not. But he's taken to it!

  2. Wonder if he'll call his little brother Anna?
