Friday, September 12, 2014

Queequeg update

Today's ultrasound confirmed what we suspected: the baby's head has dropped. Way down there. The woman who performed the ultrasound even seemed surprised at how far down Queequeg is. The dip is my uterine measurement is now officially explained. They say that with second pregnancies, the baby doesn't usually drop until labor has begun. Guess I've got a couple-week head start on labor, huh?

And we also confirmed what I already suspected: this baby is big (at least by American standards), too (Augie was 8 lbs 1 oz when we arrived one week early). The estimate is that Queequeg currently weighs just over seven pounds - so if s/he keeps cooking for another 2.5 - 3 weeks, until my due date, s/he'll be coming close to nine pounds! So, please, let's get this thing out of there sooner. I'm hoping for about another week, and in all honesty I feel like I can't handle much longer than that. The baby sitting so low makes everything uncomfortable, especially walking and bending over. Thank goodness I rarely have to bend over with a toddler around. =)

Our goal for this weekend is to get to the point where we feel fully ready for the baby to arrive - apartment in order (James put up the bassinet yesterday!), all the newborn clothes and textiles washed and folded (halfway there), new dresser and lights purchased, maps and guide sheets for all our helpers printed, etc. Though of course we already have all that we really need for a new baby - loving parents, fully functioning breasts, enough clothes and diapers to keep everyone clean and dry for at least a few days.

Oh - and we got more good news today - Augie did much better at dagis than he has all week! Åsa, the "nanny" at dagis who seems to care of him the most, said that today he was "back on track", even though he cried after James dropped him off. He played, he flirted, he ate, and he napped! When I went to pick him up, he was up and playing with the other kids (rather than sitting catatonic in his stroller, as he was yesterday). I'm sure that after being home with us over the weekend Monday will be difficult again, but we're hoping next week is much better.

An Augie self-portrait:

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