Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Adjusting - road bumps

I may have mentioned before that Augie's first week of preschool (dagis) went very well; this second week is a different story. He has cried both days when James dropped him off. On Monday, they said he cried all morning and was so exhausted they had to put him to sleep before lunch (they saved some for him); he cried again today when James dropped him off, and they said that he was upset all day and spent most of the day in his stroller, uninterested in playing or eating. Both nights have been very rough - when James and I set to getting dinner on the table he gets incredibly clingy, demands to be carried, and refuses to eat much. We can't get him in the bath. As I write this he's screaming in his bedroom as James tries to put him to sleep (I did my bit, which wasn't enough). He only napped for about 35-45 minutes both days, so he's incredibly tired in the evening (hence the difficult dinnertime), but tonight he just can't seem to calm down.

We knew this transition would be difficult but were lulled into false comfort when last week went so well. Of course this is good for him - getting some independence (and separation from Mama) before the baby comes - but it's so hard to watch him go through this.

As for the baby - as of tomorrow I will be full term! 37 weeks is considered "early term", I think, which means that the baby is fully cooked but could still use some time in the womb. As uncomfortable as I am (and I'm quite uncomfortable), we'd like #2 to stay inside another couple weeks. I met with my midwife yesterday, and everything's fine though my uterus is measuring a bit small. She thinks it's because the baby seems to have dropped already (which would explain the discomfort, especially while walking/standing) and she isn't concerned, but standard protocol is to send me in for an ultrasound, which has been scheduled for Friday.

When Augie first gets home from dagis he's usually in a great mood and ready to play. For example:

Here's hoping the week gets easier, not harder for him (and us).21


  1. Jodie--Happy Birthday, young lady! Looking forward to your second child--best wishes--Rob and Linda

    1. Thanks, Rob & Linda! Sadly, though, I don't think I'm what's considered "young" anymore! And we'll get pictures of the new one up as soon as it comes out.

    2. I'll bet they would still check your ID in a bar in USA!
