Sunday, September 7, 2014

Eating berries in the archipelago

On Saturday we visited with friends who have a summer house on an island in the archipelago. We took a bus about an hour out of town, and when we got off our friend met us in his boat to take us to their island. After a 15-minute boat ride we climbed a narrow path to their house, and were greeted with wonderful views, glorious sunshine, and more Quasian babies! Ahh, they're living the Swedish dream (sooo much nicer than the American dream!).

The path to the house, and the house itself, were bordered by lingonberry and blueberry bushes - it was the first time Augie's shown interest in picking and eating berries. I loved watching him forage for blueberries.

Our friend's younger daughter (also quarter Asian, in case you missed that above) and her grandmother:

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