Monday, September 15, 2014

It's getting better

Today was much better than last week for Augie at dagis. He cried when James dropped him off, and did spend part of his day in the stroller, but he also got out and played - and he even fell asleep in the nap room, rather than in the stroller. That's a huge step!

One of the nannies, Åsa, sent this picture to us this afternoon. He woke up when she moved, so he only had a 40-minute nap (he's been sleeping for three hours when he naps in bed at home), but we're so pleased that he went right into the nap room with all the other kids and sat down. We're also so pleased that they're taking such good care of him. Though it looks like we need to get him his own pillow.

When I picked him up this afternoon he was sitting in his stroller, but he was happy and looking around (rather than his shell-shocked expression last week) and he gave me a great big smile, rather than tears. As we walked home, he chatted away and pointed at things and was his usual silly self. What a relief for all of us.

The only thing that isn't getting better is bathtime. He used to love his post-prandial bath! Some evenings James couldn't get him out. But since he started at dagis he refuses to go in the water; we've resorted to taking him into the shower with us, where he screams and screams - but we need to get him clean somehow, at least every few days. We can't figure out why he suddenly hates the bath (and shower), and we don't know what to do to fix it.

This is him when we got home:

Augie loves to play in the elevator. He gets a cheeky look on his face when he goes inside and closes the door on me, so that I'm standing outside watching him. Today he managed to close both doors (they both have to be closed for the elevator to run), and apparently someone had called the elevator, because as soon as he closed the inner door the elevator started going up! So I turned and ran up and up to the fifth floor - can you imagine that, me at 8.5 months pregnant, running up three flights of stairs? All the while I could hear Augie, happy, saying "bye bye" every time he passed a floor. When I got him out at the top he was all smiles. Cheeky chap.

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