Saturday, September 13, 2014

Eating elderberries

We didn't make any social plans this weekend, so we've had some time to putz around the apartment and to hang out together. After a lovely family nap, we had lunch and went to the beach at LĂ„ngholmen. When we arrived, Augie climbed out of the stroller and started running around. I love watching him run - he's so happy and free, his blond little head bouncing. I could watch him run all day. He played in the sand, he dipped his toes in the (freezing!) water, he made friends with other kids in the sand. We take him to the playground often, but it's so nice to have a park nearby where there aren't toys and structures - a place where he can just run around and make up his own games, explore nature, and run free.

Walking home, we stopped into the community garden on the island. Augie found an elderberry tree (or black currant?) and started eating the berries. Yum yum!

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