Saturday, September 27, 2014

Seeing the sights with Ah Mah

We went on a little excursion this morning to Gamla Stan, the old town. Augie had so much fun running around the main square and darting down the narrow alleys. It reminded us that kids don't really need fancy parks and playgrounds (though those things are very nice!) - they just need space to roam and explore. We spent most of the morning chasing him down this way and that, all while he laughed maniacally. And we finally got Ah Mah out of the kitchen for a while!

Augie in action in the main square:

Mama posing:

Constant running:

At the windy royal palace:

Augie telling Ah Mah where to go (seriously, he wanted her down):

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely spectacular pictures! One can see that everyone was happy and
    loving every minute of being together.
