Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My boys

Another day here of running errands, laying low, waiting for things to happen. It's probably a bit silly to be waiting around already - baby's not due for another week, and just because Augie was early doesn't mean this one will be.

James reading with Augie. Such beautiful boys have I:

It's funny, Augie tends not to focus on one thing for very long, including books. Board books are perfect for us because they're short. But I picked up Go Dog, Go! by P.D. Eastman at a garage sale some months back, and even though it's 60+ pages long, Augie loves it! He almost always sits through the whole thing, absorbed. Makes me think we should get some more books like it, including some Dr. Suess titles. Can you believe that of all the children's books we have (probably around 100!), we don't have a single Dr. Seuss book?!?!

I love these pictures especially because Augie rarely lets James read to him - I'm usually the only one allowed to read books out loud. But sometimes Baba gets to, and I love it when they sit together and read.

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