Monday, September 22, 2014

Writing emails?

Not much to report here. I saw my midwife today and all's well. So many things about prenatal care and delivery are different here in Sweden than they are in the US; for one thing, the midwife who has taken care of me thus far won't deliver the baby - that's how it's done here. From what I can tell, there are prenatal midwives and then midwives who deliver babies. So when we show up at the hospital, we won't know any of the staff or the woman who will deliver Queequeg! I know this would terrify some women in the US, but honestly, I don't mind. As long as it's someone who will take care of me, I'm happy.

Another difference is that we don't know where we will deliver! Because you aren't tied to a particular midwife and hospital, you can choose to deliver at any hospital/birthing clinic. We will probably go to the one closest to us, Södersjukhuset, if they have beds available in their special birthing clinic. If not, we'll likely head across town to a recently-opened birthing clinic with all the bells and whistles, assuming they have openings. Strange, huh?

There are some other differences which I hope to get to in a future post. 

If the timing is right, it looks like we'll have a doula again. A friend-of-a-friend is a doula here in Stockholm, and we met her over the weekend to learn more about the whole childbirth process here in Sweden. If she's available when I go into labor, she's going to assist us. 

Two great pieces of news around here are that our freezer is full (thanks Ah Mah!) and that Augie likes the bath again. We'd had three weeks of him throwing fits about getting in the bath or shower, and then two nights ago I climbed into the tub and brought him in with me. He cried at first, but then we got to playing and he started laughing and splashing around. We've been back on track since then. Phew.

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