Friday, September 5, 2014

My morning boy

You'll probably see a lot of breakfast pictures on here - we get the best light, and it's the stillest Augie is all day. It also means his face is covered in food and he's often chewing.

Augie's at dagis (that's the word for preschool/daycare here) right now - completing his first-ever full week of preschool! It's gone better than we'd imagined so far. James was with him at school all day Monday, I was with him all day Tuesday, and since Wednesday he's been there without us. He hasn't cried at all when James has dropped him off! And he hasn't cried when I've come to pick him up, either! He seems to feel very at home there, and he comes home in the afternoon full of energy and words (so far we aren't picking up any Swedish vocabulary, but I'm sure it's coming).

When I was with him on Tuesday, just after snack time a boy - probably a few months younger than Augie - was standing alone and crying, crying, crying. Augie stood watching him, looking concerned. Then Augie got his cup of milk and offered it to the boy; when the boy didn't want it, Augie found a pacifier on a bench and tried giving that to him to cheer him up. The boy didn't want that, either, so Augie ran off and found another boy and stuck the pacifier in his mouth (that boy continued to suck on it for some minutes!). It was touching to see him caring for another baby, trying to help him feel better.

On the home front, we are mostly unpacked! I won't say that we're organized or that everything is in its place, but most of the boxes are empty and now we're opening up the last few and desperately trying to decide where to put everything. It's so nice to have our dishes and our silverware and our glassware and our cooking pots! Our big struggle now is to find somewhere to put all of our clothes; we're probably going to have to make another IKEA run to buy some sort of wardrobe, as we were out of drawer space with just the few bags we brought on the plane with us, and we have six or seven big boxes of clothes to put away.

Even though I know that I'm eight months pregnant and my body is under much strain baking this little baby, I've been surprised by how quickly I fatigue while unpacking. I can only get through two-three boxes before I have to sit down (or better, lay down and nap). And because of the amount of work and energy I'm putting into unpacking, the whole yoga-and-Swedish-lessons everyday thing is going to have to wait until next week to become a reality.

And I haven't even packed a hospital bag for the birth, or figured out the route to the hospital!

One last pic before I go:

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