Monday, March 17, 2014

Playing with crayons

Augie had his first-ever marathon sleep yesterday. We all went down for a nap at 3:30pm; James and I got up around 6pm, but we let Augie sleep on. And sleep he did! He got up at midnight for about two hours (of nursing, calmly walking around the house, and then climbing back into bed to put himself back to sleep), and then slept until 6am. I never believed my baby would sleep so much. I guess the early mornings (he has started getting up at 6am, whereas he used to wake closer to 7am) and the short naps at preschool have left him a little exhausted.

When James dropped him off at preschool today, he didn't even cry! Though now he's getting sick - a slight runny nose has turned into a rattling cough, and his voice is growing hoarse. He seems perfectly happy, though, so we won't worry.

Most exciting, for the first time ever, James put him to sleep for the night! I went to a meet-and-greet of the American Women's Club, which overlapped with Augie's bedtime. I left a few minutes early and rushed home so I could nurse him before he fell asleep (I nurse him every night; sometimes he falls asleep while nursing, while more often he stays awake a bit longer and puts himself to sleep after rolling around the bed for a while), but when I arrived home, the bedroom door was closed and it was quiet. A few minutes later James came out - Augie was asleep! I'm so proud of them both for doing it without me; it's the first time in 15.5 months I haven't been here when Augie went to bed.

This afternoon he sat down to draw for a bit. After some serious action drawing, which would make the action painters proud, he became much more interested in throwing the crayons on the floor.

The drawing itself, created by performing a manic side-to-side swinging action with a crayon clutched in his hand (I did the blue strip at the top):

Yellow crayon to the floor:

The teal crayon will not stand!

The magenta crayon will not stand!

The blue crayon will not stand!

Here's hoping a good night's sleep alleviates his cold symptoms.

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