Sunday, March 2, 2014

We have something to tell you

I won't keep you in suspense: bun #2 is in the oven.

That's right, I'm pregnant. If all goes according to plan, sometime around the end of September Augie is going to become a big brother. I'm still in the first trimester of the pregnancy (about 9.5 weeks now), which is earlier than these things are usually announced; but I figure since the four of you who read this blog regularly already know the news, it's no big deal to announce it here.

And, this explains why my posting has been sporadic and uninspired lately: I'm tired. Really. F*&king. Tired. I've had some morning sickness - much more than with Augie - and tons of exhaustion. James has been fantastic about stepping up and taking over most of the housework (while I do all the work of growing a baby!), and letting me sleep in most mornings (especially since Augie has taken to getting up in the morning around 6:30 instead of 7:30, as he used to). As I remember from when Augie was an inside baby, this will all ease up in a few weeks when I'm into the second trimester and get that pregnancy glow again.

This also means that now that Augie is sleeping mostly through the night, I'm back to getting up every two hours to pee. It's just not fair.

Soon enough he'll have a little friend to point out all the trees, rocks and lichens to.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jodi, so exciting! PS. I love seeing Sweden through the vantage point of an American family!
