Thursday, March 20, 2014

Climbing on chairs

I realized recently that I tend to only post about things I've taken pictures of. At the end of the day I look through our photos and see what we've taken, and then create a post. Unfortunately, that means that I sometimes miss out on telling you the little things that Augie is doing - and sometimes even major milestones (like the first time he pooped in his potty! Aren't you glad I didn't take a picture and share it?). So going forward, I'll try to remember the little moments of the day, even if I don't have photographic evidence of them.

We're both still sick, though Augie seems to be on the mend (not that he ever noticed that he was sick anyway). I've had a much harder time of it, with nasal congestion and a sore throat. I haven't been sleeping well at all. And because of this whole pregnant-and-breastfeeding thing, I can't take anything for it.

Augie is finally saying a new word: Baba! A couple days ago he just started shouting it, and generally in the direction of James. So now he has two words. He's also consistently waving now - but mostly just at the blue commuter trains that run near our house. And his wave is ridiculously cute: his palm faces his body, so it looks like he's waving to himself.

His physical exploration, however, continues apace. He will not stop climbing. He easily gets up on our chairs all by himself, and when he goes up and down stairs, he doesn't always want to hold our hands anymore (but he still has to!).

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