Saturday, March 1, 2014

Augie made 15 months yesterday! And I was going to write a post about all the cool things he's doing lately, but I'm so tired that I can't remember any of them. Nothing.

But two weeks ago, he did something funny. Remember that he's sleeping in a Montessori bed? Well, I got up to pee in the middle of the night, and when I came back into the bedroom I realized that he was sleeping on the floor, his head resting on his bed. He had wiggled and squirmed all the way onto the floor! He did it twice in one week, without even waking when he made it to the floor. Now we put a pillow at the end of his bed so he doesn't roll out. Not that he'd notice anyway.

He uses utensils! He's getting better all the time. And he can drink out of a big boy cup without help, from table to mouth and back again (usually) with no mess. (Other times, there's a steady stream of milk pouring into his lap). We have to admit to being happy we skipped the sippy cup, even if it has meant more work and more mess for us. Helping him learn to do something all by himself is rewarding for all of us.

You! Stop harassing me while I eat!

One of the coolest things he's doing right now is trying to help with house chores. I can't get any sweeping done when he's awake, because he takes the broom or the dustpan (or both) and takes his turn sweeping the floor. He also likes to use a washcloth to wipe up the floor or table. And yes, we're encouraging this behavior.

Obviously, we're also encouraging pants-free Saturdays. (As though this is different attire from any other day at our house.)

Augie and I have a few games that we play while nursing, and this is my favorite: I point out a part of my face, and then touch that part of his face. He always giggles when I get to his ears. And no matter what part of my face I touch, he just points to his forehead.

Augie still doesn't use any words regularly, except "mama", which we finally think actually refers to me. All of our other friends with babies his age are talking up a storm, and have a vocabulary of at least a dozen words. I have to admit that we are a little bit worried about this, and his general lack of communication (he doesn't wave regularly either, and it seems like he's stopped using sign language). It's not anxiety-inducing worry, but we are paying close attention to this. He's always been a very physical little boy, so probably his brain is just still plugging away at all the physical feats he has to master. Did I tell you he can dribble a soccer ball??? Probably in a year or two he's going to start speaking in iambic pentameter or something.

Okay, so obviously I remembered some things that he's doing now, but that's just because I had pictures to jog my memory. I'll try to do better with posting things as they happen.

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