Monday, March 10, 2014

Our weekend

The weather has been beautiful so we've been getting outside as much as we can. On Saturday we were invited to dinner at a colleague of James's apartment in Södermalm, so we set off early to do some exploring and enjoy the spring sun.

The colleague who had us to dinner lives in a beautiful apartment with her husband; our jaws were on the floor all evening admiring it. Our hosts, Christina and Ivar, had also invited their niece and nephew, (who are actors at one of the major theaters here in Stockholm), and their one-year old daughter. Kristofer, the nephew, is also half-Asian (he's half Swedish, half Japanese), so their daughter is also a Quasian like Augie. We supped on shrimp salad and bouillabaisse and took turns chasing the babies around the apartment. It was a lovely evening.

On Sunday we tramped around the city looking at open houses. We were excited to visit an area that several folks had told us about (green, affordable, lots of families), but on arriving we were deeply disappointed in the neighborhood. Neither of us could imagine ourselves living there, even though the apartments themselves were nice. It was just row after row of identical buildings, no little village area or town center, nothing that made us feel comfortable in the area. Alas, it's a big city and there are lots of other areas to explore.

We found a playground for Augie in the courtyard in one of the buildings, and Augie got to run around a bit.

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