Tuesday, March 25, 2014

First pictures of Queequeg

I had my first ultrasound today, and look what they found - there's a hand in my belly!

It turned out to be a waving hand attached to a baby!

Little Queequeg has all its fingers and all its toes and all its vertebrae and all its brains (and probably all its chromosomes), so things are looking good.

Things were tougher for Augie, today, tough. He slept very well last night (didn't need Mama at all overnight!), but then we had to take him for a vaccination early this morning. He only cried a bit when the needle went in - probably more because he was being restrained, which he HATES, than from the needle. He stopped crying within a couple seconds and was back to playing.

Unfortunately for us, about four days ago we realized that we had to go back to watching every moment of the day. We'd reached a point where he played just fine by himself and could run around the apartment entertaining himself and not getting into trouble; and then four days ago he just started climbing up everything. He climbs onto the toilet so he can flush it (he knows to put the seat down first); he climbs onto the couch so he can flip the switches behind it; he climbs onto the kitchen chairs so he can reach things on the table, then he climbs onto the table. We get no rest around here.

Today, as I was getting him ready for a walk outside, I put his jacket on him and then let him go so I could get his shoes and my socks; by the time I'd done that (less than 10 seconds), he had run into the kitchen, climbed onto a chair, and fallen onto the floor. He had a bloody nose and cried for a while, but nursing calmed him and cheered him up. Later in the day, as James was watching him, he started climbing onto another chair before it fell over and he fell onto his head before James could even stand up to go to him. He recovered quickly, but still... We hoped he might learn from all this, but before he went to bed he started climbing on chairs again. God help us.

Here's a picture from last week, him falling asleep on the bus:

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