Monday, March 3, 2014

Thinking about spring

Augie had a rough day. He started crying as soon as he and James arrived at preschool, he was upset most of the morning, he didn't eat any lunch, he only napped for 45 minutes, and he burst into tears when I walked in the door to pick him up. He was doing very well at the end of last week, but I guess being with us over the weekend made him unhappy about being away from us today.

The sun came out for about an hour at the end of the day, so Augie and I went down to the orchard to play. It is so lovely to go outside with him now, the snow melted and the ground coming alive. He likes to touch trees and mosses, look (and stand on) at rocks, and sometimes to lick the mud from his fingers. I am excited to start collecting leaves and flowers and pinecones and feathers and stones with him, to watch the sun set together, to look at the stars and the clouds and jump in mud puddles. There is so much world for us to discover.

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