Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lake baby

We're taking Augie to preschool four days a week now - they think it might be better if he is there more often to help him adjust and get into the routine. Today was the first day he didn't cry when James dropped him off! He did, however, cry just after he left. I think the truth is that he will finally be adjusting just as we are getting ready to go back to the US (we leave in just over three weeks!). Even if it has been difficult, I think it's been good for him to socialize and to be out in the world without me.

I also thought that being around other kids might get him talking more; but then I realized that almost all of the kids in his class are international, which means that almost none of them speak English at home. So although that's the language of his class, the kids aren't really speaking it because they're all still absorbing it.

This afternoon Augie and I walked to meet James at work so we could go grocery shopping together. We stopped by the lake so he could run around in the brilliant sunshine.

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