Friday, January 24, 2014

Music and Theatre Museum

I took Augie to the Music and Theatre Museum this afternoon, as I'd read that it has an instrument room that's great for kids to explore. Augie certainly enjoyed making noise!

The traditional "wheel with metal piece on stringy-thing" instrument:

This was fantastic. It looks a bit like an organ, but the tube on the left is air that's piped in. Whenever you pull one of the knobs toward you, air flows through the wooden pipe. He loved this:

He sort of enjoyed this, but it didn't make enough noise for him:

It's the weekend! We're going to explore some towns/neighborhoods where we might want to live. We've been dragging Augie along to very un-fun things this week (the tax board, the bank), so maybe we'll give him a break and go do something fun. 

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