Friday, January 17, 2014

Sjöhistoriska Museet

Sjö means "seven", but sjöhistoriska means "maritime." Go figure. Maybe it's a reference to the "seven seas"? Either way, Augie and I went to the Sjöhistoriska Museet this afternoon, where he ran around and I chased him. That's pretty much what we do everywhere we go. That's pretty much what we do at home. That's pretty much my life.

I love the scale that these two elements give each other: the oversized doorway and the tiny human. It's one of my favorite themes in photographs of Augie (and other babies):

 First, he ran this way:

Then he ran that way:

Then he ran this way again:

I knew I had to contain him, and there was only one way:

Outside the museum as we left:

We have a busy weekend ahead of us: checking out a couple open houses (well, open apartments), heading to a couple social events, and doing (at least) a couple chores. What are you doing this weekend?

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