Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 110 -

You know, if I could ever post something before 9 or 10 at night, it might be witty and charming. But I can't, so it isn't.

Augie seems about to explode, developmentally. Yesterday morning he turned himself a full 270 degrees around his playmat by arching his back and launching himself forward. Today he turned onto his side about a dozen times. It seems like turning all the way over is just around the corner. He is also becoming more and more social - which also means distractable. A few nights ago, during his nighttime nursing, as soon as I began to sing lullabies to him, he stopped nursing and turned his head (with my nipple still in his mouth, thanks dude) to look up at me - and smiled. The next night, he broke off (thanks for the forethought) and turned to look up at me, and then talked for several minutes with a smile on his face. I'm not entirely sure what he said, but I think it was something like, "this milk sure is delicious, and I appreciate you giving it to me every day, and I'm having a fantastic time with you, and Baba's really funny, and please stop putting me in that stupid pink onesie, and it's nice and warm when you hold me at night, and I'm sorry I wake up so much at night but I just can't help it and I love you very very very very much." And then he turned to my boob and latched himself back on.

James and Augie have some time together each night, when Augie sits on his Baba's chest and they have a little chat. This is what it looks like to me:

And this is the lovely face that smiles up at me every night:


  1. oh my! he is so cute! and i want to hear you sing lullabies!

  2. I love this post - SO cute to imagine him saying all of that. He's just so adorable, I can't stand it.
