Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 105 - Feet!

Today was a good day in Augieland. And it was a day I very much needed, as he's been a bit fussy the last week or so and I've been wondering what happened to my angel baby. Highlights of the day included a beautiful outdoor nursing in the afternoon, Augie napping on my chest for the first time in weeks and weeks (which meant I got a nap too!) and limitless giggles and coos in the evening. He hardly cried all day, just a whimper here and there.

And I'm pretty sure this is a developmental leap forward: he grabbed his toy with his feet! Scroll to the bottom for a picture. (He was getting "baby butt time" while he was playing, so the picture only shows his decent parts).

He seemed to enjoy the day too, exhibited here by his zeal in attacking his firefly friend:

And here's what was going on at the other end:

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