Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday with my baby

As a stay-at-home mom, the weekend isn't all that different from the week for me. But I still feel a sort of relief when Friday afternoon rolls around - we have the weekend to look forward to, James is home with us, and we can spend some family time together exploring Stockholm, making new friends, or just hanging out on the couch.

It was a big week for Augie - I'm sure he's ready for the weekend, too! He went to preschool three days. You know what else he did that was great? He peed in his potty twice! I'm not wholly sure whether it was coincidence or if he did it on purpose, but either way, we think it's a really big deal. We've been slowly potty teaching him -- no emphasis on outcome, but taking him to sit on the potty regularly and using words and signs to let him know when he's pottying. So it was either dumb luck, or we made the teeniest bit of progress this week.

Augie and I headed into town to the go the Music and Theater Museum again. While he had fun banging on the instruments, he had even more fun pushing the button that opens and closes the doors between the exhibits. In fact, that's probably the only thing he remembers about today.

What will I remember about today? Other than thoroughly enjoying trudging through Stockholm in the rain so Augie could take a late-afternoon nap? Snuggling with and singing to my baby.

1 comment:

  1. A button that opens and closes doors? We'd never be able to drag Jonah away. He'd probably never see a single exhibit. He's so obsessed with doors and buttons. Whenever he sees a door, whether in real-life or in a picture book, he has to say "Door. Knock knock!" and he's always pleading to be picked up to press the intercom buttons in our hallway. That button would be a dream.
    And as an aside, Augie has some of the cutest clothes ever.
