Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rum för Barn

We took Augie to Rum för Barn again this afternoon. Last time we were there, we learned that there's an art studio in the back - a spacious room where kids can paint or do other art projects. We thought Augie might be a bit young, but we were encouraged when we were told that kids only have to be old enough to stand up to paint at the easel.

Every day they choose three colors of paint (plus white) for kids to paint with. Today it was the primary colors - red, yellow and blue for those of you who've forgotten. We put a smock on Augie, stood him up at the easel, showed him how to use a brush and then put one in his hand. 

He sort of swatted at the paper a couple times:

Mostly he looked skeptical about what was going on:

I love how this photo makes it look like he's intensely painting, reaching out to the canvas to add a dab of paint just here...

When really, this is what he spent most of the time doing:

We lured him back to the easel a couple times, trying to entice him by encouraging him to use his hands:

Which only served to make his face look like this (this is after cleaning him):

These shots make it look like Augie's painting, but he's not; Baba is.

Augie was much more interested in checking out what the older chick over at Easel #2 was doing - and then stealing her paint:

Finally we let him go and wander the library. He found a giant letter 'G' to climb through. With some help:

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