Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Loving him

Loving him is so easy. There are all the kisses he gives us, the hugs, the laughs, the jokes he tells. The way he laughs at all our jokes. The way, if you're sitting on the floor, he walks up behind you, reaches his arms around your back and lays his head on your neck. The way he reads the freight train book when he sits on the potty. The way he climbs onto the couch and looks around, so pleased. The way he plays peekaboo with his technicolor blanket. The way he slurps milk from a cup. The way he climbs on my back or stomach when I practice yoga. The way he sighs in his sleep. The way, after his 5am feeding, that he lies in bed between us, eyes half open, giving us both a kiss before fluttering back to sleep...

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