Monday, February 24, 2014

Late winter fun

It's possible that I'm engaging in some wishful thinking by calling this "late winter", since by all accounts spring doesn't actually begin in Sweden until May. But it's starting to feel all springy around here - even the crocus are starting to bloom! And we've had more sunny days in the last week than we did the first month that we were here (a Swede told James the other day that there were 8 hours of sunlight in Stockholm in December. 8 measly hours!).

Saturday we had coffee with friends - a couple who have the only other Quasians we know here in Sweden. The husband is from Canada, of Chinese descent, and the wife is Swedish. Their kids are pure Quasian. We went with them to a skate park, where their 5-year old daughter biked circles around Augie (who loved it!) and Augie ran up and down the ramps.

On Sunday, we played in the orchard in the backyard.

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