Thursday, February 27, 2014

Drawer surfing

We're trying something new around here: Wednesday nights after dinner are no-screen nights. No computers, iPhones or iPads. We've done it twice and James has cheated twice, so I don't know if there's a lot of hope for the future. But the intent is actually for James and I to spend more quality time together (as Augie goes to bed shortly after dinner anyway), but also for us just to unplug for a few hours. Hence no blog post last night.

Yesterday was also Augie's second day at preschool alone. He cried when James dropped him off in the morning, but they said he did okay for most of the day. He even took a long(ish) nap! He had just woken up when I went to pick him up, and this time he didn't burst into tears. Which either means that he's adjusting, or that he was actually still asleep with his eyes open when I walked in.

And here's the fun Augie got into while James and I were making dinner tonight (green salad with haloumi, egg and avocado, if you were wondering):

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