Wednesday, May 29, 2013

6 months, day 2 - Look Ma, I can move!

We had our 6-month well baby visit with the pediatrician this morning. Augie weighs in at 18 lbs 8.5 oz and 27.75 inches long, more or less matching the growth rate he's set the last few months. The pediatrician said he's in great shape, very healthy, ready for solids - and she confirmed something we've been suspecting for months now: that Augie will probably crawl and walk early. S*&t.

I guess he was listening to her, because this afternoon he discovered independent locomotion. He's been rolling both ways for a few weeks now, but I don't think he realized that rolling is a form of moving. Several times I put him down in the middle of the room, he looked at the dresser at the side of the room, and he rolled until he got there (and then tried to reach the handles to open the drawers!). But even more scary, he's figured out how to move forward and backward on hands and knees (aka "crawling"). He's not adept yet, but he totally gets that he can move around and reach those toys that are just out of reach.

And now that he's discovered this trick, he doesn't want to stop. It took us two hours to get him to sleep tonight - every time we put him down, he started practicing his new gymnastics.

Here's a peek at what he's learning. He had more success later in the afternoon, when I wasn't taping:


  1. So lovely to see August swim crawling so hard, no sooner he will be crawling soon!
    Also so glad to know that the toteseat is of use!! Auntie Tina

  2. Love August's crawl swimming on the spot !! Go baby go .....ah Mah xx
