Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5 months, 3 weeks, day 4 - Sleeper series, part 3

Before we get to today's pictures, you have to check this out: super-funny baby memes (though don't ask my opinion of the overuse of the word "meme" to mean any picture with any words attached, because I'll go into pretty much the same rant I go into if you ask me about the proliferation of viewer/user comments on news websites (well, comments on pretty much anything on the internet, except my blog)).

You may remember that I've done two sleeper posts before, here and here. I like them so much I'm going to keep doing them. It's possible that pictures of a sleeping baby are only interesting to the sleeping baby's mother; but then, this is the blog of a sleeping baby's mother, so there.

 Do you think he has a favorite sleeping position?:

And my personal favorite, taken yesterday:

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