Sunday, May 26, 2013

5 months, 4 weeks, day 1 - Oranges!

While not yet officially on solid foods, Augie is undeniably interested in them, so James gave him a big hunk of orange to gnaw on this afternoon. Our 6-month pediatrician visit is on Wednesday, and we expect the doctor will tell us we can start solid foods now. We probably won't start with rice cereal - we might do something simple like mashed avocados or bananas or roasted chili peppers.

And the observant among you will have noticed that he's sitting up in these photos (with Mama close behind); Augie has more or less mastered sitting up! We still keep a pillow behind him for falls, but he went nearly 10 minutes this evening sitting on his own before plonking over. He seems to relish his new view, and especially the two-handed toy maneuvers he can now accomplish. Not to mention the two-handed citrus maneuvers.

1 comment:

  1. Ho sig ! To August first taste of solid food ! Well done , Ah Mah xx
