Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5 months, 2 weeks, a few days - Sound effects

Augie seems to go through phases - he'll be quite vocal for a few days/weeks, and then we won't hear him talk or communicate as much. When he's not being vocal, he's often working on a new physical skill, like rolling or sitting up. He's got rolling nailed now, and he's pretty darn good at sitting up, so I guess it's time to start talking again.

I am addicted to buying books for Augie (that's a hint for all you gift givers out there - we're especially fond of Caldecott Medal winners). We received three new books today, so I immediately read them to Augie. I think he was trying to read to me at the same time.

(Email subscribers click here to view the post online and listen to the audio tracks).

We have recently begun family play time as soon as Baba gets home from work - we all lie on the bed and Mama and Baba more or less take turns throwing Augie around, snarfling him, and covering his face in kisses. We love listening to him laugh.

And what post is complete without a photo? Baby and Baba during playtime:

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