Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter swinging

We went to see four open houses this weekend. That may seem like no big deal to you, but keep in mind that apartments are open for one hour on Sunday and then maybe another 30 minutes on Monday evening (though one of the ones we went to was on Saturday). Seeing three open houses, even if they're in the same neighborhood, in one hour is both difficult and stressful. Did I mention that it was below freezing and we were walking through blizzard conditions?

Augie was essentially strapped into his stroller for a few hours each day, which we hate doing (but I'm pretty sure that's the main strategy behind Swedish baby-raising), and he was a great sport. We got him out to play on the swings at one point. I loved having Augie lying on top of me, and he loved being on the swing. His little face was just inches from me and he laughed, and his little belly pushed into mind. Oh, moments like that are the best.

Another fantastic klämrisk sign from an elevator at one of the apartments we looked at:

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