Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunrise and selfies

Yesterday was the 1-year anniversary of this blog! I made my first post on January 28, 2013, on Augie's 2-month birthday. (Which means that Augie reached 14 months yesterday). I've loved having a record of our little life together, and being able to share our life with you, dear friends and family spread so far around the world (we have regular hits from California, Michigan, New Jersey, England, Australia, and Hong Kong -- wow!).

If I'm being honest, I have to admit that I wish my posts were more thoughtful, that I shared more of the thoughts and feelings and experiences going on here in Augieland; I won't make excuses, I'll just say that it's hard, and that my better self hopes to write more thoughtful, more engaging, and funnier posts in the coming year. It may mean fewer posts, but if so, I promise they'll be better.

At this time of year, we get up before the sun does; on the rare day when it's not cloudy, we get to watch the sun rise:

After dinner yesterday Augie got his hands on my phone and somehow got the camera going, and then he took his first selfies:

Okay, I helped with this one:

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