Sunday, March 16, 2014

Baba's birthday weekend

I wish I could tell you that we had a fantastic, exuberant birthday weekend for James, but we don't do anything in fantastic, exuberant style anymore. In fact, I'm not sure that we ever did. We did take a fantastic family nap this afternoon (from which Augie hasn't woken up at 7pm as I post), but that hardly counts as a birthday celebration.

Saturday we went down to our old neighborhood from last summer, Vasastan, and got pizza and calzones for lunch. Later in the afternoon we went to a playdate with kids from Augie's class at preschool. We were one American couple, one American-Chilean couple, one Swedish couple, and one American-British couple (us), each with two kids. The kids around while we talked housing, Swedish society, gluten-free eating (one of the couples has just published Sweden first cookbook for people with allergies) and, of course, kids.

This might be the best action shot of Augie we've ever taken:

Today we went to one open house - and it's the closest we've come to bidding on a place. While the apartment could use some updating, it's in move-in ready condition, with south-facing windows overlooking a huge park in one of our most-desired neighborhoods. (Click here to see, though the link will only be good for a couple more days). The downside? The apartment is on the third floor, there's no elevator, and the staircase is winding and narrow. The only place to park a stroller is in the basement. This may sound like a minor inconvenience, and it would be if we were just the two of us or the kids were much older; but I can't imagine carrying two babies (plus groceries, diaper bags, etc.) up four flights of narrow stairs several times a day. It's not just inconvenient, it's dangerous (and I'm generally a daring kind of gal). It felt good to get excited about a place, though.

Have a great week.

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