Friday, March 7, 2014

Augie had a rough day.

We had an appointment in the morning at his new pediatrician's office. Actually, for this visit we didn't see a pediatrician, we saw a nurse. Coincidentally, it was the same nurse who saw me last summer at a different health clinic all the way across town, when Augie bit my nipple. She only works this job at the pediatrician's four hours per week - and we just so happened to see her there.

Anyway, Augie didn't get any shots or anything, just a general checkup, we went over his immunizations (the schedule here in Sweden is different from the US, and we're doing an alternative to that anyway), got his statistics, and talked with the nurse. She's not concerned that he's not talking now, but said that he has to eight words by the time he's 18 months old. He's got < 3 months to get seven new words! And if you're wondering, he weighs 24.5 pounds and is 32.5 inches long. In Sweden, that's a bit lower than average for weight and a bit higher than average for length/height. He cried while we were undressing and measuring him and for a while afterwards.

He was fussy before we got home, and when we got home we skipped lunch because he was crying and wanted to go right to bed. He slept for three hours! That's the longest nap he's ever taken. At preschool he's only sleeping for about 45 minutes, and the afternoons/evenings on those days are very tough - he whines and cries, doesn't eat a ton, and is obviously very ready bed (he usually falls asleep nursing, which he otherwise doesn't do anymore). Today, after his nap, I fed him lunch and then he more or less fussed and whined all afternoon and into the evening. He has a runny nose and a bit of chest congestion, so in addition to the accumulated exhaustion of not sleeping enough at preschool (while also missing Mama and Baba and being sad), he's dealing with not feeling so well.

We're hoping that this weekend he can rest lots and restore himself to get ready for next week at school. We are probably going to tweak his preschool schedule so that he can get used to the routine a bit better. But we still have to figure out the napping thing, because we are all miserable when he's overtired and miserable.

No pictures the last few days, so here's a blast from the past, taken one year ago:

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