Sunday, June 30, 2013

7 months, day 3 - Lidingö

Friends welcomed us to stay at their apartment in Lidingö, an island suburb of Stockholm, while they were away for the weekend. Their apartment is right on the water just a short walk away from the harbor. Yesterday we mostly relaxed, but today we did all sorts of adventuring.

We started the day by walking through a nature reserve to a fantastic little lunch spot. Augie started eating before we got there:

James ordered off the children's menu (but asked for a larger portion), and I had spinach soup.

Augie ate the grass:

He also tried the dragon bush, but didn't like that as well:

After lattes and sweets, we trundled home while Augie napped in the stroller. We borrowed a kayak and took turns paddling in the sea:

Now we're back at our home-away-from-home, recovering.

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