Monday, June 3, 2013

6 months, day 7 - Carrots!

One of the most notable things about Stockholm is the number of parents - both moms and dads - wandering around the city with a baby in a stroller. Even though we had read about it, we have been shocked to see how many parents, away from work on parental leave, are hanging around town with kids in tow. While we do see more moms, there are plenty of dads, too. The youngest child of the family we are renting from is 10 months old, and the mom is still out an maternity leave. This is not the US.

The great thing about renting a flat from a family is that they have a lot of the goods we need - like a high chair, baby toys, bath, etc. Augie certainly enjoys the high chair:

And the bed:

But onto what this post is really about: carrots. We're introducing solid foods to Augie - today was carrots. Check out his reaction:

Hmmm, let me try again:

Nope, still not sure about this:
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  1. in the 6th carrot eating sequence, is Augie giving you two the "finger?"

  2. Oh my gosh, that is amazing. I'm not sure what I love more - the picture in the bed or the carrots. So far both avocado and banana have been wins for us, but we have yet to try carrots. Glad you're safely in Sweden and enjoying yourselves!
