Thursday, June 20, 2013

6 months, day 24 - Drunken sailor

While Augie slept for 2+ hours during his morning nap today, I was inspired to think about what else I could do with this blog. (While Augie slept for 2+ hours yesterday, I was inspired to nap with him). As is, I'm putting absolute minimum effort into it - a few pics, a few words, et voila. That's largely because I'm writing at the end of the day, when I'm tired, cranky, and ready to watch vampires online. And when Augie only takes 45-minute naps during the day, which is all he would do before the last month or so, I just barely have time to pee, answer an email, and pay a bill or call customer service for something-or-other before he's up and ready to play. But I could totally get used to this 2-hour-nap thing and use it to, I don't know, write something thoughtful or clever, or put together a nice series of pictures that tell a story. I spent the day thinking about it and got quite excited, so keep your eyes open for an occasional more-than-minimum-effort post.

(By the way, we've been invited to a colleague of James's summer house to celebrate midsummer (midsommar), so we will be entirely away from the Internets until late on Saturday. Don't expect any posts until Saturday night at the earliest, but more likely Sunday).

Augie's newest skill is sitting; that is, pushing himself up into a seated position from lying down. He first did it about three days ago, and now it seems to be all he wants to do. In fact, he'd rather sit up than sleep. You can guess how fantastic that isn't for Mama and Baba.

Here's a video of the new skill (email subscribers click here):

The funniest thing is that he often looks like a drunken sailor when he's practicing. He'll get caught against a table or chair or wall and won't be able to get up, but then he grabs a hold of something and just...well, just holds on. Kinda like if he were drunk, and on a boat careening from side to side.

I mentioned sleep - tonight we tried putting him down in his crib to sleep. He often spends some time rocking back and forth and kicking his legs, settling himself down into slumber. The crib isn't quite big enough for him to fully execute the sitting-up maneuver. Recently when we'd walk in while he's trying to settle himself, he'll be half on his back, gripping the bars of the crib, a tired, confused look - a drunken sailor look - on his face. But tonight, we heard him squealing, and came in to find this:

We put him back down and left. Not 90 seconds later I went back in to find him sitting up, facing the other side of the crib. And not 3 minutes after that, he was sitting up in the middle of the crib.

I hope that soon he wearies of this new trick and just...sleeps.


  1. What a cutie pie, and so happy. Did you Augie-proof your Princeton home before you left? Bet that's the first thing you'll be doing on your return.

    1. No, our apartment in Princeton is currently a death trap for Augie. We'll have to hold him in our arms until we do some baby-proofing!
