Saturday, June 8, 2013

6 months, day 12 - Beets

Continuing on our culinary adventure, Augie encountered beets. He seemed to enjoy them the first night, but today he was mostly uninterested. We think that's because of his new teeth - he really seems bothered by the top right one, which is only now starting to push through his gums. We're hoping it will be out in the next 24 hours and he will calm down.

(Sorry for the funky spacing, but me and Blogger aren't getting along right now about the layout. I also wanted these pictures to be in chronological order, but Blogger prefers a more spontaneous approach.)


  1. Beets while dressed? You're braver than we are. We only feed J in a diaper and then hose him down, more or less. This makes me excited to try beets though! So far J loves avocado, banana and zucchini with mint (his fave) but hates sweet potato (though cinnamon and ginger helped) and isn't a huge fan of applesauce. If you come up with any interesting/successful recipes, we'd love to hear about them!

    1. If by "brave" you mean "stupid", yes, you're right! It would probably be much smarter to take his clothes off, but we aren't all that smart so it never occurred to us. Based on your suggestion I think we're going to try bananas tomorrow. We've done avocado a few times - it was his first food, but I don't think any got into him that first time. I tried again today but the avocados in Stockholm are rather sad, and I didn't even like them. We haven't used herbs or spices yet, except a bit of thyme with roasted vegetables (potatoes, carrots, sweet potato, beets) last night (he just got a toned down version of what we were having, no garlic, no onions, no salt). I like your idea of ginger or cinnamon with sweet potatoes, we'll have to try that. And please pass along any other good baby recipes you have!
