Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6 months, day 16 - A visit from Uncle Cory

Augie first met Cory back in Boston in February; we saw him again today as he visited Stockholm for a conference. We wandered around the university and then walked back to our apartment, stopping to pick up gluten free pizza on the way. Augie ate bananas for dinner (thanks for the suggestion, Dava!), and then wore them for dessert. After dinner we took Cory on our evening walk to the local park.

Augie started at my feet.

The boy in action!

My two dads


  1. That swing looks amazing! We took J to the playground last weekend and put him in the baby swings but he was not very happy about it. This one might have made him feel a little more secure. I'd love to hear about any other great baby food recipes you come across (the root veggies the other night sounded amazing). So far this website seems intriguing, but I haven't made any of these yet:

    1. That website looks great - thanks for sharing.

      I don't know if Augie was terrified about that swing or whether he loved it: he had a strange look on his face the whole time (which may have been his exhaustion face, as he missed his afternoon nap).

      We tried him in a regular baby swing, too, and he loved it, but he didn't seem secure in it so we tool him out pretty quickly.
