Friday, June 28, 2013

7 months - Sunset in the Söder

(For the record, I don't know if it's accurate to say, "in the Söder" (referring to Södermalm, a neighborhood of Stockholm), but it sounds good to me, so I said it).

Whoa, Augie's 7 months old today! That makes him 7/12 of a year old, for those of you into fractions. I've been telling you recently all that he's doing, but here's a recap:

Augie has 5 teeth showing (with at least a 6th on the way, if not more). He has totally mastered commando crawling, as well as sitting up from a crawling position. He's soveryclose to regular hands-and-knees crawling and can go about 4 little shuffles before he flattens out. He can pull up to standing when he's in the crib. He's babbling more and more and has mastered saying "mama". We often wake up to him about six inches from our faces, rocking back and forth on his hand and knees with a big grin on his face (or him head-butting the headboard - thank goodness it's soft!). He loves to eat solid foods. His favorites have been roasted vegetables and Italian lentils (pureed of course). He seems to like anything with carrots in it. He is happy most of the time. When he sits, he loves to thrust his arms in the air, and it's what he does when he's delighted.

So that's that.

Last night we were invited to have dinner the home of one of two of James's colleagues, Maja and Ingo, a couple who live in Södermalm, a supercool neighborhood south of us. We weren't quite there for sunset, because that happens after 10pm, but we were there for the gloaming and enjoyed drinks and cheese on the roof of their building.

We decided to walk home after dinner - the first time we've been out and about around sunset since arriving (we're usually at home putting Augie to bed).

Leaving their neighborhood:

Passing through Gamla Stan, the old town:

And a little something to make you laugh:

Weekend adventures await!

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