Sunday, June 2, 2013

6 months, day 6 - 1st day in Stockholm

Here we are! We made it Stockholm without incident and are settling into our new home and new city. Augie was great on the flight; he would have slept for nearly the entire flight if a stewardess hadn't made us take him out of the bassinet (for turbulence the equivalent of 10 seconds of minor potholes), after which it took us another two hours to get him back to sleep. He provided entertainment to all the women sitting around us with his smiles. Now that we are here, he seems to be doing fairly well with the time change; I maybe eating my words tomorrow, so I won't get too excited about it.

So far we've gone to the grocery store for basics and taken a couple meandering walks, and Augie seems to be enjoying everything. The apartment we are renting is home to two children, aged 3 and 10 months, so we have toys and furniture for him.

Augie's first fika (a popular Swedish tradition of coffee and a sweet treat):

Augie's first afternoon in the Swedish sun:

1 comment:

  1. ' hej ' James, Jodi and Augusti . Well done for doing so well with crossing the pond and settling in your new home . Also 'tack' for the update with all the lovely photos ! Best Ah Mah xx
