Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 months, day 17 - Augie's adventures in eating

The first time we fed Augie solid food he seemed genuinely perplexed about what to do, even though he'd been watching us at the dinner table for 6 months. The first few tries to feed him ended up with only a tiny amount going in and a lot going all over (all over his face, his hands, his clothes, the table, the floor). But we have been astonished and even proud to watch him come to embrace the eating experience, and he seems to genuinely love food (not a surprise, given his Baba). He's taken to it so thoroughly that I can no longer eat lunch while he is at the table, because he stares at my food and has this look - and yell - of "Where's mine?" (We only feed him solid foods at dinnertime).

He's progressed so quickly that not only is he wolfing down food (well, what passes for wolfing for a 6-month old), but he's grabbing for the spoon and doing it himself! At first he would just grab the spoon, turn it around, and put the end in his mouth, or just bang it on the table, or throw it to the ground; but now he grabs the spoon from our hands and puts it in his mouth himself and sucks down everything on it. So cool.

A couple videos from tonight's dinner (carrots sauteed in olive oil with garam masala):

Just a couple seconds after I stopped recording that, he did this:

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