Monday, June 10, 2013

6 months, day 14 - Bathtime

Augie has mostly mastered what I call commando crawling - using his forearms (and his feet to a lesser degree) to pull himself forward while still lying on his tummy. I'll leave him in the living room to get something from the kitchen and come back to find him about two feet away from where he started, reaching out to grab a toy. He's moved beyond the days of just rolling and turning to get to something he wants - now he's starting to get his limbs moving in concert, intentionally, in order to crawl forward to get to something. Uh-oh.

He also enjoyed dinner tonight more than he has any other dinner. He had roasted root vegetables with thyme and pepper (pureed), and he was so into it that he was grabbing for the spoon and feeding himself! Bear in mind that he's getting at most a tablespoon of food into him (and that's a generous estimate), and that "feeding himself" is a euphemism for "smattering food all over his face." But he really tries to get the spoon into his mouth and swallow!

He took a bath with Mama after eating.